By Decolonizing Mathematics, Decolonize Science and Western education: Prof C K Raju lectures

History is about Future not Past. West is using science and maths education for decolonization. Leading Mathematician Prof C.K Raju shows how to decolonize western education.

How west is teaching Mystery, Myths and Superstitions in the name of Science education to us.

Prof C.K Raju is World’s leading Mathematician, Computer Scientist of our time with many books, articles. He has corrected errors in Newton and Einstein equations/ calculus.

He simplified calculus using ancient Hindu Mathematicians like Aryabhatta, Bhaskar, Sulabhsutra, etc.

Prof Raju conducts Decolonizing Maths and Science courses in various Universities in India, Malaysia, Iran, South Africa, etc.

He teaches simplified calculus in 7 days, which by western standard will take months.

His book “Is Science Western Origin?” argues with facts how mathematics and science originated in India reached via Egypt/Gulf to Europe.

He proved in his latest book that EUCLID, Father of Geometry as propagated by west never existed! Learn whole lecture about this lie and propaganda done to Appropriate/Copy ancient Indian / Egyptian knowledge to western set up!

So, how in simple steps you can Decolonize Maths, decolonize Science and western education.

Part 1- Goodbye Euclid – Decolonizing Maths by Prof C K Raju

Part 2- Goodbye Euclid – Decolonizing Maths by Prof C K Raju

Part 3- Goodbye Euclid – Decolonizing Maths by Prof C K Raju

Famous Books by Prof C K Raju:

Other interesting lectures by C K Raju:

“Academic Imperialism”  at the International Conference on Academic Imperialism held at Al-Zahra University in Tehran, on 1-2 May 2010

“Decolonizing Time” MaerzMusik Festival, Berlin

Calculus: Ganita or Math? at IISC Bangalore

Calculus: The Real Story at MIT,USA

Complete History of Maths and Science (4 part interview by Malaysian prof)

Raju interviewed by Claude Alvares (2013)

Resisting Hegemony: International Meeting on Resisting Hegemony held 2-5 August 2010 in Penang, Malaysia (2010)

A Tale of Two Calendars: Why Indians should use Indian Calendar and not Gregorian Calendar, which has serious errors

Image credit: Prof C K raju lecture screenshot

Sources: Prof C K Raju lecture, google, youtube, and all links in the future.