~ Decolonizing misconceptions about Khajurao Temple, KamaSutra & Hinduism

How to Save 95% of Body & Mind Energy in life??…Every individual generally spends 90-95% of energy on thinking only about Money & Bodily Pleasures…which is a major cause of sufferings/problems in today’s world.

Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, founder ISHA foundation in  India, a spiritual organization, sharing great Ancient Hindu Wisdom to Save you energy and utilize it for better Karma…

See how deep Sanatan Dharma Wisdom is and how it was misjudged by western Abrahmic invaders as per their western gaze  & later propogated it wrongly for last 600 years  in World History books…

Its high time now to Decolonize World History Books on India/Hinduism and preach Truth!

MUST READ: Fixing Misconceptions about Khajurao Temples & Hinduism

Khajuraho Temples-Madhya Pradesh, India

SAdguru-Jaggi-Vasudev-Hinduism-Khajuraho-temples-India khajuraho-3-gi khajuraho-2-gi  laxmi-khajuraho-gi

Image credit: From clip

Sources: ISHA Foundation, Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, google search, and all links in the post.

12 thoughts on “~ Decolonizing misconceptions about Khajurao Temple, KamaSutra & Hinduism

  1. Pingback: ~ Fixing The Misconceptions About Khajuraho Temples | GLOBAL INDIAN BLOG

  2. Very very timely and relevant post. Guruji has made a very very relevant point.

    We have a sophisticated Hindu heritage – which today we are trying to judge through unsophisticated and barbaric primitive Abrahamic constructs, and thereby giving it a bad name because we cannot understand it. Like trying to understand calculus with class 2 maths knowledge.

    Thanks! Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay
    The Advaitist

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: ~ Decolonizing misconceptions about Khajurao Temple, KamaSutra & Hinduism | GLOBAL HINDUISM

  4. Pingback: ~ Decolonizing misconceptions about Khajurao Temple, KamaSutra & Hinduism | SANSKRIT

  5. Pingback: ~ 25 Scientific reasons behind Hindu Rituals and Culture | GLOBAL INDIAN BLOG

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