By Decolonizing Mathematics, Decolonize Science and Western education: Prof C K Raju lectures

History is about Future not Past. West is using science and maths education for decolonization. Leading Mathematician Prof C.K Raju shows how to decolonize western education.

How west is teaching Mystery, Myths and Superstitions in the name of Science education to us.

Prof C.K Raju is World’s leading Mathematician, Computer Scientist of our time with many books, articles. He has corrected errors in Newton and Einstein equations/ calculus.

He simplified calculus using ancient Hindu Mathematicians like Aryabhatta, Bhaskar, Sulabhsutra, etc.

Prof Raju conducts Decolonizing Maths and Science courses in various Universities in India, Malaysia, Iran, South Africa, etc.

He teaches simplified calculus in 7 days, which by western standard will take months.

His book “Is Science Western Origin?” argues with facts how mathematics and science originated in India reached via Egypt/Gulf to Europe.

He proved in his latest book that EUCLID, Father of Geometry as propagated by west never existed! Learn whole lecture about this lie and propaganda done to Appropriate/Copy ancient Indian / Egyptian knowledge to western set up!

So, how in simple steps you can Decolonize Maths, decolonize Science and western education.

Part 1- Goodbye Euclid – Decolonizing Maths by Prof C K Raju

Part 2- Goodbye Euclid – Decolonizing Maths by Prof C K Raju

Part 3- Goodbye Euclid – Decolonizing Maths by Prof C K Raju

Famous Books by Prof C K Raju:

Other interesting lectures by C K Raju:

“Academic Imperialism”  at the International Conference on Academic Imperialism held at Al-Zahra University in Tehran, on 1-2 May 2010

“Decolonizing Time” MaerzMusik Festival, Berlin

Calculus: Ganita or Math? at IISC Bangalore

Calculus: The Real Story at MIT,USA

Complete History of Maths and Science (4 part interview by Malaysian prof)

Raju interviewed by Claude Alvares (2013)

Resisting Hegemony: International Meeting on Resisting Hegemony held 2-5 August 2010 in Penang, Malaysia (2010)

A Tale of Two Calendars: Why Indians should use Indian Calendar and not Gregorian Calendar, which has serious errors

Image credit: Prof C K raju lecture screenshot

Sources: Prof C K Raju lecture, google, youtube, and all links in the future.

~ Science behind Hindu idol worship

Hindus worship Murtis not idols!

Common query by westerners – How can idol be God?? It’s a Scientific “Inside Out” approach of Hinduism, one of paths of transforming human being into Enlighten beings through Murti (loose translation-Idol) worship is very well explained here.

Journey of experiencing Unity consciousness via Murti (Cosmic Power) Worship…from Subjective Truth (Heart) towards Objective (Mind) and understanding Nature of Reality with Murti and Rituals!

Watch simple explanation in clip below

Hinduism: Understanding Image and Temple Worship

More scientific explanation of Hindu Murti (idols) and Neurology by famous American-Indian Neurologist Dr. Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, at UC San Diego, Director, Center for Brain and Cognition,USA.

“Neurology of Hindu Art” by Dr. Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Neurologist, USA

Other Hindu Thinkers explaining Science and Philosophy behind Murti Worship in Hinduism.

  • Swami Chinmayananda – Morti (idol) represents you the picture of Ideal

  • Mr. Jay Lakhani – Hindu Scholar from UK

  • Sri Sri Ravishankar

  • Ms. Geethanjali

  • Swami Nithyananda

Hindi Explanation- Why Murti Worship in Hinduism

Experience of Western Hindus:

Ms. Gauri Maheshwari (formally Danielle Riordan)- USA explaining Basics of Hinduism, questions asked by her US friends.

  • Mr Koi Fresco- His experience of being Hindu

  • Radha Madhav dham

  • In western multicultural class, Kids understanding “Experiential Approaches to Hinduism”

Vishnu -Celebrate Unity Consciousness…

Image Credit: Dharma Speaks

Sources: Google search, Dharma Speaks, YouTube channels, and all links in the post.


~ Metaphysics of Yoga, Meditation and Sanskrit Mantra Chanting

Hindu Yoga, having Mind Science and Health benefits, is now fastest growing $80+ billion business with $10+ billion in USA only. West as per their tendency now wants to control and own Yoga…But do they know Metaphysics of Yoga, Meditation and Sanskrit Mantra Chanting? Can it fit to their Abrahmic system?

Learn in details with following 2 important videos.

MUST SEE both videos even if bit long discussion. It’s worth watching…Indian origin American best selling Author/Researcher in Indic studies Mr. Rajiv Malhotra  is sharing his valuable 25+ years research on the topic.

Many new ideas, scientific information, understand Yoga on Metaphysical level…how it is benefited to Mind and Body.

Rajiv Malhotra discussing Metaphysics and Science behind Hindu Yoga practices:

  • How west is appropriating/digesting Hindu yoga

  • Metaphysics and mind science of Yoga

  • Can it fit into western Abrahmic religions?

Mr Rajiv Malhotra’s discussion with a Western White Hindu Lady:

  • Digestion/Appropriation of Yoga by West

  • Metaphysics of Hinduism Vs Abrahmic religions

  • Effect of Meditation and Yoga on Body and mind

  • Metaphysics of Sanskrit Mantra Chanting on Mind

  • Why Sanskrit Mantra Chanting can’t be substitute with other language words

  • Why on one hand west is Digesting Hindu Yoga & other side there is deliberate Hinduphobia in west


Pics: Selected slides from above discussions.


Image credit: Rajiv Malhotra videos,GOI Germany MakeInIndia performance, screenshot from ProYogAdvertise

Sources: Rajiv Malhotra Youtube channel, Google search and all link sin the post.

~ 25 Scientific reasons behind Hindu Rituals and Culture

Ancient Hindu sages after complete understanding of cosmos, life science, ultimate truth, had developed simple scientific techniques in the form of daily rituals to stay calm , ego-free, stress-free, co-existing with nature. Hindus worldwide are still practicing these traditions.

  • Know Science behind following 25 Hindu Rituals in clip below:

    1. Significance of Namaste – Joining both palms together to greet.

    2. Why do temples have Bells?

    3. Why do we visit Temples?

    4. Why do w worship Moorti (idols)?

    5. Why are Silk clothes preferred while doing Pooja?

    6. Why do Indian women wear Bangles?

    7. Why do Indian married women apply Sindoor (red powder) on their forehead?

    8. Why do we apply Henna on hands and feet?

    9. Why do Indian women wear toering?

    10. Why do Indian women apply Kukmum (red dot) on their forehead?

    11. Why do Indian women Pierce their ears?

    12. What is Om – Pronunciation – Scientific Reasons and uses.

    13. Why do we worship the tulsi plant?

    14. Why do we worship the peepal tree?

    15. Why are some trees considered sacred in India?

    16. Why do we sit on the floor and eat?

    17. Why do we start with spice and end with sweet?

    18. Why do we Fast?

    19. Why do Brahmins (Priest) grow choti on their head?

    20. Why do we touch the Feet of elders?

    21. Why should we not sleep with our head towards North?

    22. Why do we shout in Anger?

    23. Why do we throw coins into a well?

    24. Scientific Reasons behind the most common punishment?

    25. Why is Turmeric considered holy in India?

Watch- Answers to above questions by Geethanjali

Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) is world’s oldest civilization since over 12000+ years..literally mother of Human civilization.

Recently  (just 1700 years back) middle-east tribal desert originated Abrahmic religions with their exclusivity claims and dogma based arrogance, labeling Hindus as Sinful/Heathens/Savages/ Kafirs, etc what not are showing #Intolerance.

But their ego couldn’t understand Deep Science (Life science, Environment protection, Physiological benefits, Mind Science, Philosophy, etc) rooted in Hindu rituals and culture which Hindus are enjoying since thousands of years to keep themselves Happy, Peaceful & aligning with Cosmos/Nature for ultimate bliss.

When Abrahmics were in stone age struggling for Navigation,  earth is round or not,  philosophy, only one Sun in cosmos, etc…Hindus have already built well-planned cities, metallurgy, jewelry , music, dance, governance, social laws, family tradition, deep life science, algebra, maths, geography, architectures, medicines, yoga, sports, Universities, agriculture, textiles, silks, dams, bridges, fuels, good breed cattle, etc. All these are well docuemted in Hindu scriptures- Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Itihasas,etc.

Between 12-20th century, barbarian Abrahmics invaders tried to destroy this ancient wisdom and loot it to west but couldn’t do it completely due to brave Hindu warriors. This is why they feel nervous when deal with Hindus. Abrahmic culture’s  sole aim is to colonize or destroy any civilization/culture/heritage on the earth which are existing before 1500 years and better than them so that they can control masses and thus always after Hinduism with their cunning propaganda.


On the other hand whenever there was crisis in Western Abrahmic religions they run to India to copy ideas and for robbery/loot! Post 2008 western economic crisis & collapse of Materialism craving. There is sudden wave of shamelessly Copying/Appropriating/Digestion Hindu rituals, Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Philosophy, Ideas, etc without giving due credit to Hindu Scriptures!

This is a very #BadKarma which always strikes back badly!

Instead of judging Hindus with low IQ thinking & ignorance ….understand Science behind Hindu rituals and deep meaning behind every festival and traditions.

Get rid of Dogmas, Ignorance, Hatred,Darkness, Stress, Stupidity…

Be Open, Be Free, Be Wise, Be Truthful, Be Moral…

Be Hindu…

science-behind-hindu-indian-ritual-yoga-meditation-hinduismhindu-kids-india-hinduismImage Credit: Google Images and FB of ResurgingHinduism

Source: Geethanjali travel cahnnel, youtube, google search, and all links in the post.

Finally West accepted ‘Yoga is Science’!!

“YOG” (correct Sanskrit word not Yoga!) was invented by Hindu Scientists (Rishis) & being practiced since over 6000 years by all Sanatanis (Hindus/Buddhist/Jainism people) in Bharat (India) as  Scientific tool for Mind,Body, Health,Wellness & Longevity.

See my other posts how YOG is integral part of Hinduism:

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~ Spiritual Humanism!

Guaranteed Enlightenment in one shot!!.. Some clips are must watch at least once in life…this is one of them (especially after 9:30 min)!

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