~ Breaking Media Stereotypes: Exploring heritage & culture of Iran

Generally media & news only showcase one side of any country as they are told & paid for! Here an American tourist is exploring beautiful side of Iran- its culture , landscapes, palaces, heritage, warm & hospitable local people!  

Again proves that the best way to find ground reality is by visiting & witnessing that country personally and not to judge others on the basis of Media propaganda or some historical books!

 India-Persia Connection:

 India and Persia has long history of trade through Silk route to Europe passing from Persian empire exchanging Indian made – Spices, Medicinal plants, Textiles, Jewelry, Metals, Agri products, scientific tools, etc. Silk route got blocked post 7th century AD due to religious tensions & Arabian invasions in Persian region.

Through this clip, Indians will also get some idea about Parsi (Zoroastrian) community’s ancestor’s history, which is current day Iran. Parsi are living mostly in western part of in India (around Mumbai & Gujarat) post 7th century AD. After religious invasions during 7th century AD onwards in Persia / Gulf region; some Zoroastrian groups took refuge in India and living happily since then preserving their religion, heritage and culture.

Parsi community earns great respect and praise in India. Though small in terms of Indian population ; Parsis have played great role by joining in India’s freedom fighting movement against Moughals/Arabs & British/European invasions. Also, during pre and post independence by contributing their skills in various sectors – financial institutions, accounting, manufacturing business (TATA, GODREJ,etc) , films, entertainment, education, scientific field, and various social services.

 Documentary will showcase Persepolis kingdom, great history and heritage of Parsian Empire (~ 550 BCE….about 2500 years back) in current Iran area.

Beautiful Screenshots from Iran

pic7 garden ppl454 ppl7877 ppl4 ppl2 ppl pics555 pic77 palace6 Palace KingdomGAte garden2 culture city villegers statue slf2 slf pppl778 PPLZZ pics55

Photo Credit: Screenshots from above clip

Sources: Youtube clip by user,KBPS,  Traveler Rick Steves, google search, Wikipedia, and all the links mentioned in the post.

4 thoughts on “~ Breaking Media Stereotypes: Exploring heritage & culture of Iran

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