~ Decolonizing the Indian Civil Services…. #UPSC #IAS #IFS #IPS

MUST SEE video with slides exposing western funded Abrahmic-Marxist self-proclaimed Post-modernist /Liberal/ Intellectual/ Left Wing  people’s deep rooted intervations in Indian Civil Service Examination and overall Education!

MUST SEE for IAS /IPS / IFS /UPSC / Civil service aspirants in India.

Famous Indian American Best-seller Author, Researcher Mr Rajiv Malhotra on Decolonizing the Indian Civil Services

Watch @Facebook and comments/reply/discussion HERE

Watch @ Youtube here


Video Slides for reference:

Now see how Abrahmic-Marxist invaders from Eorope & Arab gave so much Peace , Love, Ethic, Morality, Rights , Social Laws, Economy to Indians in their  500 years of stay…

Made India from No 1 GDP in the world  till 18th century with 33% share to less than 1%…British went from 0 to 5% with loot!

Read: History of different Country’s GDP  in last 2000 years

There is no child labor laws for Masters okay!….yeah…

Over 10000 tigers were killed just for fun! There is no Animal Rights , Environment laws, Global Warming thing for “Ethical” “Moral” “Civilized” Masters okay? uhhh

Bengal Famine in 18th century by invader Europe-British killed millions people in India out of  starvation as all Indian food is exported to Europe as “Stock”!…So much human rights, civilization, values , human rights given to Indians by European Masters!


OM Shanti Shanti Shanti….

  • Peace Inside
  • Peace Outside
  • Peace in Cosmos

Image Credit: RajivMalhotra Facebook and google images

Sources: Rajiv Malhotra Youtube and Facebook, google search, google images,twitter, facebook, youtube and all links in the post.