~ 25 Scientific reasons behind Hindu Rituals and Culture

Ancient Hindu sages after complete understanding of cosmos, life science, ultimate truth, had developed simple scientific techniques in the form of daily rituals to stay calm , ego-free, stress-free, co-existing with nature. Hindus worldwide are still practicing these traditions.

  • Know Science behind following 25 Hindu Rituals in clip below:

    1. Significance of Namaste – Joining both palms together to greet.

    2. Why do temples have Bells?

    3. Why do we visit Temples?

    4. Why do w worship Moorti (idols)?

    5. Why are Silk clothes preferred while doing Pooja?

    6. Why do Indian women wear Bangles?

    7. Why do Indian married women apply Sindoor (red powder) on their forehead?

    8. Why do we apply Henna on hands and feet?

    9. Why do Indian women wear toering?

    10. Why do Indian women apply Kukmum (red dot) on their forehead?

    11. Why do Indian women Pierce their ears?

    12. What is Om – Pronunciation – Scientific Reasons and uses.

    13. Why do we worship the tulsi plant?

    14. Why do we worship the peepal tree?

    15. Why are some trees considered sacred in India?

    16. Why do we sit on the floor and eat?

    17. Why do we start with spice and end with sweet?

    18. Why do we Fast?

    19. Why do Brahmins (Priest) grow choti on their head?

    20. Why do we touch the Feet of elders?

    21. Why should we not sleep with our head towards North?

    22. Why do we shout in Anger?

    23. Why do we throw coins into a well?

    24. Scientific Reasons behind the most common punishment?

    25. Why is Turmeric considered holy in India?

Watch- Answers to above questions by Geethanjali

Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) is world’s oldest civilization since over 12000+ years..literally mother of Human civilization.

Recently  (just 1700 years back) middle-east tribal desert originated Abrahmic religions with their exclusivity claims and dogma based arrogance, labeling Hindus as Sinful/Heathens/Savages/ Kafirs, etc what not are showing #Intolerance.

But their ego couldn’t understand Deep Science (Life science, Environment protection, Physiological benefits, Mind Science, Philosophy, etc) rooted in Hindu rituals and culture which Hindus are enjoying since thousands of years to keep themselves Happy, Peaceful & aligning with Cosmos/Nature for ultimate bliss.

When Abrahmics were in stone age struggling for Navigation,  earth is round or not,  philosophy, only one Sun in cosmos, etc…Hindus have already built well-planned cities, metallurgy, jewelry , music, dance, governance, social laws, family tradition, deep life science, algebra, maths, geography, architectures, medicines, yoga, sports, Universities, agriculture, textiles, silks, dams, bridges, fuels, good breed cattle, etc. All these are well docuemted in Hindu scriptures- Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Itihasas,etc.

Between 12-20th century, barbarian Abrahmics invaders tried to destroy this ancient wisdom and loot it to west but couldn’t do it completely due to brave Hindu warriors. This is why they feel nervous when deal with Hindus. Abrahmic culture’s  sole aim is to colonize or destroy any civilization/culture/heritage on the earth which are existing before 1500 years and better than them so that they can control masses and thus always after Hinduism with their cunning propaganda.


On the other hand whenever there was crisis in Western Abrahmic religions they run to India to copy ideas and for robbery/loot! Post 2008 western economic crisis & collapse of Materialism craving. There is sudden wave of shamelessly Copying/Appropriating/Digestion Hindu rituals, Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Philosophy, Ideas, etc without giving due credit to Hindu Scriptures!

This is a very #BadKarma which always strikes back badly!

Instead of judging Hindus with low IQ thinking & ignorance ….understand Science behind Hindu rituals and deep meaning behind every festival and traditions.

Get rid of Dogmas, Ignorance, Hatred,Darkness, Stress, Stupidity…

Be Open, Be Free, Be Wise, Be Truthful, Be Moral…

Be Hindu…

science-behind-hindu-indian-ritual-yoga-meditation-hinduismhindu-kids-india-hinduismImage Credit: Google Images and FB of ResurgingHinduism

Source: Geethanjali travel cahnnel, youtube, google search, and all links in the post.

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